Age(Be Honest Please):10
Rank you want:I want Admin,Mod Anything is fine for me
Anything we can contact you in?(Skype,TeamSpeak,Discord,Email):I have but it got hacked you can give me your discord if you have or contact me
SNAPHow Can You Help The Server?:I can help the server by Banning Hackers muting or banning Advertiseres (People Who Say The Ip Of There Server Or another server) Anyone Who Swears I Will /mute Him 5minutes,10minutes and then and then till 1day and if they still keep swearing or spamming i will /tempban (name) 1Day Or 1Hour Reason:Swearing/Spamming and if a staff abuses I will contact a Staff Member that is higher than the person who advertised and i will show him proof like Screening it.
If someone Hacks or Griefs the server what will you do:
FIRST! I will Contact a higher staff if I don't have /ban /tempban I will tell them the persons and i will try to screen them while they are griefing and i will send and if someone hacks i will fast do /ban (name) and if i dont have perm i will tell a higher staff to /ban them Thank You For Making Me Apply I Really Appericate It I Hope I Get AcceptedYour Regards HQBeast