Ign (InGameName)?: reshirem1234
Age(Be Honest Please): I am 14 Years old. Turning 15 in August
Rank you want to apply for?: I am applying for a Administrator position or a Moderator Position
From where did you get your experience of staff?: I have my Experience in staff from Multiple other servers: (JavaLegacy, UniversalPvP, Geneticraft) In the form of a administrator Mostly (Admin) I know the commands, and i am a responsible, and kind member of the community. All of these servers i have listed have sadly shut down due to Lack of funds, So now i'm looking at helping This server out with my skills in being a good staff member. (If you accept me) I have been staff in these servers for almost 2 years before they shut down. Each one of these servers had hundreds of people a day coming on, and there has been some pretty wild things happening. Like someone trying to Ddos the host of the server, and make his way into the console. I helped rid the server of this person thankfully. But I'm hoping you guys will think this is enough experience and hopefully let me into the Staff team
Anything we can contact you in?(Skype,TeamSpeak,Discord,Email): Yes, I do Have Skype, And Discord, And a working Microphone (Skype = iC Goddog) (Discord =Also iC Goddog)
How Can You Help The Server?: I can Help the server because i am a Kind, Responsible Person. I am active A Lot and i am good at moderating Chat/Community. I am good at spotting out hackers/cheaters, and i am not quick to judge. I always give people a chance to explain whats going on before a punishment whether it be a TempBan, Or a Mute, Or a kick, Or even a PermBan. I am always nice to people, I never get angry unless i have a good reason for it. I am always on so i will be able to Moniter everything going on. I can be on most days for maybe 3 hours max. On weekends till maybe 10. So all day.
How long did you play on the server?: I have played on the server for 3 days now. I have received God Rank which makes me Very happy. The owner is extremely nice and im glad to play on his server. I may even donate. I have had a great time here and i look forward to playing even if i dont get the admin rank. I hope you consider having me a good edition to the server because i know if i get accepted i will be a good edition. I can gurantee i will help you guys out with extreme confidence!
If someone Hacks or Griefs the server what will you do?: Honestly, It depends on if they have done it before or not. If its obvious hacking and they deny it, Permban for maybe 3/4 days. Maybe longer depending on the scale of what they were doing. If someone is repeatedly swearing, i will be sure to mute them for probably 10 minutes at least. If they are greifing, that means they dont care about what happens to the server, therefore i will Permban them, sadly. I do not Like to punish people but if its what needs to be done i am more than glad to help out the server, and keep our community clean.
My Timezone is EST Eastern Standard time. From my time on weekdays i can play from like 4:30 to 8:30, On weekends like 8 AM to 10 PM. (So a lot of hours XD)
I hope you think about accepting me. Thanks!