Staff Application By Triniox

Ign: Triniox
Age: 14
Rank you want to have: Head_Mod or Mod

Where did you get experience for staff: I have been staff on many servers and I fell like I need be
a part of server growth and make this server rise to have more players, and enjoyment
Anything we can contact you in: Email, please

How can you help the server: I can help the server by making sure nothing is wrong with the server
and making sure everyone has a good time

Also following the rules and giving hackers what they
deserve for looking like a fool in front of your server I am glad to help

How long have you been on the server: I've been on for a few days, I have known this server since
the new year

If someone hacks or greifs on the server what would you do?: I would tell them to stop, If they dont
stop, I will repressively give them a harsh warning, followed by an instant ban depending on how
much they hack

Best Regards, Triniox